Creating plans of action to ensure you reach your financial goals
To be prepared for the road ahead, it’s critical to think about having a plan. For many people it’s not clear where their money will come from when they no longer receive a salary. And that can be stressful. When you add in the pressures of today’s bills and basic living costs, not to mention the nice things like holidays, the thought of the future can seem a bit overwhelming.
Planning for the future means making conscious decisions now. And even though we fill our lives with plans for our future selves, we’re always preoccupied with day-to-day events so we forget how important it is to take the time to take a step back and look to the bigger picture.
With our help, you can create a plan of action to ensure you reach your financial goals.
Will a plan really help me? Put simply, ‘yes’.
Where is my money going now?
The first step of your financial planning process is to determine your current financial situation in relation to income, savings, living expenses, and debts. Preparing a list of current asset and debt balances and amounts spent for various items will give you a clearer picture of where you stand financially. A monthly budget is an important step towards your financial fitness and should form the foundation of your financial planning process.
Have I built up a rainy day emergency fund?
The number one reason you should establish a rainy day fund is because, unfortunately, things unexpectedly do go wrong in life. So you also need to make sure you have an emergency fund and work towards saving six months worth of living expenses. This is money that you set aside for the unpredictable and unplanned and to cover expenses such as being made redundant or a sudden change in your income.
What are my financial goals in life?
Specific financial goals are vital to your financial planning. It’s time to consider now what matters to you. You need to decide what’s within reach, what will take a bit of time and what must be part of your longer-term strategy. Apply a SMART- goal strategy to this process. That is, make certain your ambitions are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. You should also periodically analyse your financial goals to make sure you’re always on track.
Have I prepared for unexpected events?
There are certain times when life-changing events happen. So it’s essential to protect both your and your family’s financial future. It may be difficult to think about, but if something were to happen to you or your partner, you’d want to know you are both protected financially. Think about how much money your family would need to maintain their current lifestyle if you weren’t around. This will give you a better idea of how much protection you need should different events occur – whether this is your ill-timed death, or suffering from an illness or disability.
What big moments do I need to plan for?
Life has a habit of surprising us, disrupting the best-laid financial plans. Having a plan will help you prepare for whatever comes your way, while saving for the things you care about. Whether it’s buying a property, starting a family, changing your career or life after you’ve finished work – whatever your vision for the future, having more money will help to make it rosier.
Are my financial plans still on track for success?
The financial planning process is dynamic and does not end when you take a particular action. You need to regularly reassess your financial decisions. Changing personal, social and economic factors may require more frequent assessments. When life events affect your financial needs, this financial planning process will provide a vehicle for adapting to those changes. Regularly reviewing this decision-making process will help you make priority adjustments that will bring your financial goals and activities in line with your current life situation. τ
Source data:
[1] The research for Royal London was carried out by Research Without Barriers (RWB) between 12/04/2019 and 15/04/2019 amongst a sample of 1,012 UK adults who have been married and separated, divorced and/or widowed. All research conducted adheres to the MRS Code of Conduct (2014).
[2] There were 101,669 divorces in the UK in 2017, according to the ONS
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