Looking to the future

by libertas2019 on March 8, 2019


Keeping focused on opportunities and challenges

Your wealth should work in all the ways you want it to. Whatever your goals are in life, careful planning and successful investing of your wealth can help you get there. Whatever stage of life you’re at, we’ll help navigate you through the opportunities and challenges you may face.
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libertas2019Looking to the future

Tracker funds and exchange traded funds

by libertas2019 on March 8, 2019


Market index following the overall performance of a selection of investments

Tracker funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are investments that aim to mirror the performance of a market index. A market index follows the overall performance of a selection of investments. The FTSE 100 is an example of a market index – it includes the 100 companies with the largest value on the London Stock Exchange.
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libertas2019Tracker funds and exchange traded funds

Collective investments

by libertas2019 on March 8, 2019


Pooling money in one or more types of asset class

Collective investment schemes – also known as ‘pooled investment funds’ – are a way of combining sums of money from many people into a large fund spread across many investments and managed by a professional fund manager.
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libertas2019Collective investments

Trust in your investments

by libertas2019 on March 8, 2019


Taking a more diverse approach to asset allocation

Investment trusts are a well-established way of investing. Many investors prefer to invest in a fund rather than by picking individual stocks, shares or other assets. Funds allow you to diversify your portfolio easily, as well as giving you the chance to benefit from the expertise of fund managers.
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libertas2019Trust in your investments

Tax-efficient returns

by libertas2019 on March 8, 2019


Transforming your investment outcomes

Investing through a tax-efficient wrapper, such as an Individual Savings Account (ISA), can give a significant boost to an overall investment portfolio, but they should be blended with an appropriate investment strategy to give the best outcome.
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libertas2019Tax-efficient returns

Income-boosting investments

by libertas2019 on March 8, 2019


Structuring your investment portfolio throughout life

If low interest rates continue to remain, it really matters where you invest your money. Investing for income means choosing assets that are able to provide you with a regular income. This is in contrast to investing for growth, which focuses on how much your assets could gain in value.
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libertas2019Income-boosting investments

When investing, there’s no such thing as normal

by libertas2019 on March 8, 2019


Staying disciplined and sticking to your plan is key

The overall direction of developed stock markets is a relentless and continual rise in value over the very long term, punctuated by falls. It’s important not to let global uncertainties affect your financial planning for the years ahead. Individuals who stop their investment planning, particularly during market downturns, can often miss out on opportunities to invest at lower prices.
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libertas2019When investing, there’s no such thing as normal

Maximising returns

by libertas2019 on March 8, 2019


Importance of mitigating key investment risks

Asset allocation depends on your goals, your attitude to risk, your capacity for loss and market conditions. Understanding investment risk and determining what level of risk you feel comfortable with before you invest is an important part of the investment-decision process. Potential returns available from different kinds of investment, and the risks involved, change over time as a result of economic, political and regulatory developments, as well as a host of other factors.
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libertas2019Maximising returns

Cost of inflation

by libertas2019 on March 8, 2019


Eroding the purchasing power of your money

The impact of inflation on savings and investments, especially of those retirees living on a fixed income, is an important issue. But it’s also not good news for other savers and investors, as it can erode the purchasing power of money.
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libertas2019Cost of inflation

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