Libertas client since 2015
Phil and I used to work with each other in 2001. I knew his journey to becoming a qualified Independent financial adviser so he was an obvious choice when we wanted some additional financial guidance. I have a financial services background myself, however, I chose Phil to ensure I keep up to date with current legislation. He’s a trusted individual and you always know with Phil he’s playing it straight. I know I can introduce people to him and have complete confidence in doing so that they’ll come back happy.
We first met because I was training him. He is a really genuine, nice guy, with a willingness to learn and is honest to a fault. We worked together for a number of months and I remained as his mentor. We became friends despite parting ways in a professional sense in 2002.
Through working with Phil, we’ve gained pension peace of mind. The big part of it is knowing that it’s going to get done and get done right. Whether I know what I want or whether I’m being guided by Phil, you just know where you stand with him. He’s built a great team of like-minded people – he has the belief in them and he is very grounded.
I feel really happy about my finances. I have no qualms about reaching out to Phil as and when things come up where there are larger sums involved and there’s a bigger strategy required in the fullness of time. I have an objective in my mind which will involve working with Phil to ensure that the sum delivers on what I want it to do.
“I have complete confidence it will get done and get done right.”
I have complete confidence it will get done and get done right, and no one is afraid of picking up the phone so that any bumps in the road that are inevitable in life can be ironed out easily.
With our little family camping group, we’ve named all the participants (based on role) and Phil is nicknamed ‘Navigator’. We went on a trip to Chirk and Phil was responsible for getting us all to Chirk Castle on foot. He had his phone to navigate us up to the castle and we spent two hours wandering around whilst only actually being about 100 yards away. We call him ‘Satnav in training!’